Piotr Koszmider, Mathematician

I do pure set theory and applications of set theory in diverse fields of mathematics such as Banach spaces, operator algebras, topology. This often involves elements of mathematical logic in the form of set-theoretic forcing since many results in this field are undecidable. It also often reduces to uncountable combinatorial arguments.

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Seminar: Working group in applications of set-theory

Set-theoretic combinatorial and topological methods in diverse fields of mathematics, with a special emphasis on abstract analysis like Banach spaces, Banach algebras, C*-algebras. Here we include both the developing of such methods as forcing, descriptive set theory, Ramsey theory as well as their concrete applications in the fields mentioned above.


D. Głodkowski, P. Koszmider, Products of C*-algebras that do not embed into the Calkin algebra

We show that in the Cohen model of set theory ZFC there is no embedding of the product (c0(2ω))N of infinitely many copies of the abelian C*-algebra c0(2ω) into the Calkin algebra. This enlarges the collection of the known examples due to Vaccaro and to McKenney and Vignati of abelian algebras, asymptotic sequence algebras, reduced products and coronas of stabilizations which consistently do not embed into the Calkin algebra.

P. Koszmider, Z. Silber, On Subspaces of Indecomposable Banach Spaces

We show that every Banach space of density at most continuum not admitting l as its quotient is isometric to a subspace of an indecomposable Banach space (of density at most continuum). This includes all WLD or Asplund Banach spaces of density at most continuum.

Accepted to Advances in Mathematics

P. Koszmider, On Ramsey-type properties of the distance in nonseparable spheres.

Assuming OCA and MA or under descriptive set-theoretic hypotheses we prove dichotomies for many classes of Banach spaces of the form: either the unit sphere admits an uncountable (r+)-separated set or else it is the union of countably many sets of diameters not exceeding r. We show applications and investigate counterexamples to these dichotomies under CH or weaker axioms. This complements classical results of Kottman, Elton and Odell in the separable case and recent results of Hájek, Kania and Russo for the densities above the continuum.

Accepted to Transactions of the American Mathematical Society